Sunday, February 27, 2011

week6_bit & bytes

Although I can't believe the weeks have gone by so fast my idea has been getting major feedback. I am a magazine journalism major and want to work in the beauty/fashion portion of some major magazines. Of course if you couldn't already tell my entrepreneurial idea reflects this love for fashion. One thing I did take for granted was how although I'd work heavily on the idea aspects/ fashion side I should be knowledgeable in the technological aspects as well.
This week we have one lecture of bit & bytes. Entering class I had no idea what either was & I'm still no expert in it. One thing I did take from it was the idea that having a certain number of bites will be important for the display of how my images are displayed on my app. Saving these images with certain programs will give it certain limitations of colors options due to its bit size. Although this doesn't seem to important the color quality is vital for the app because certain tones go with certain colors and vice versa.
Discussing the idea with other peers I got some good feedback of adding an option of possibly seeing yourself in the clothes, suggestions of make-up & hair ideas, or even possibly seeing the clothes in different tones/colors.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Yesterday we had a meeting discussing our entrepreneurial ideas and I got fantastic feedback on mine. One thing that I wanted to touch up about the product is that the electronic device you use, (blackberry, droid, or apple product) you'd need to scan the barcode, once in the app then it would launch you to your options. I'd also like the price to be listed and possibly directions to the store. Most of the stores would be in walking distance within Manhattan/SoHo area to begin with but once expanded you'd be able to select your city. I'd like it to stay to niche boutiques though because there are more jems in these store, which makes it harder to find other unique complements. This hopefully will get more necessity for the app.
I believe one component I could use that was discussed in lecture are RFID chips. If you're not aware of what this is, its a radio frequency identification chip. I could use these for the barcode on the clothing. This would help to transfer easily the directions required to get from one boutique to the next. It will also hopefully keep a very exact number of inventory so customers won't end up walking to a store and the item isn't there. The one issue with this is RFID chips are a very new product so there are some glitches. I would also need to stay alway from an metal pieces because it can effect the efficiency in the chips.
During the lab we used Photoshop and I'm sure for the app I will be using many Adobe products to create the graphical layout of the app. The presentation of the app is very important to the overall success of the idea. I will most likely use Photoshop to make all the products look nicely on the app, by first taking photographs of each then using Photoshop to brush them up a little.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 4_Digital Video & Computer Hardware

Thinking over the idea for my entrepreneurial plan, I entered class Monday and Wednesday thinking about how this weeks lesson would help further extend my idea. To set up an app for my idea I wouldn't need to just computer hardware necessarily but it was important understanding how memory work. My app will take up a certain amount of RAM which is important to determine how it will drain certain electronics. To appear to more people it would be best that the least amount of memory needed would be used.
Another topic we spoke about was digital video. I was debating about using digital video to have tutorials on how to style certain items as well as showing the picture. The only problem with this idea is flash player, which is one of the best players but currently is not supported by Apple. Since apps are mostly sold on Apple products this would be a problem.
Overall I feel that using digital video can take my app even further but that could also push the memory size because it would probably need more to hold it. Looking further into this would be the next step for a successful idea.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week3_Spreadsheet Apps & Digital Images

So throughout the week I've been discussing my ideas over with many friends and professors. Everyone seems to love the idea which is a very exciting factor for me. If you didn't read the first posting my entrepreneurial idea is to create an app for apple/blackberry/droid that while help better find accessories or matching pieces to certain articles of clothing they would like to purchase. Thinking over the idea I would have to narrow the idea down to which item, from which brands I would involve in the app. I think the best idea would be to do local thrift shops in NYC at first. These store would benefit from my idea because they are smaller store and need publication. This could be great for me because they will probably be more willing to want to be apart of my idea.

To deal with the financial aspects of this idea I would most likely use Excel to make a budget plan. From lecture on Monday I learned that excel is the perfect tool for this because it has formula aspects already built in. This will make it easier to see how much funds I need to start up the idea with cost of having all the clothes in the database, getting the idea out to the public etc. Also from the brief description about digital images we learned I know that for coding of my application I'd be using hexadecimal coding to design the layout and information of the app.

The functionality of the app would be semi-simple. Basically you see a dress you want and then click the app. It would ask you to take a picture of the selection item, it will load and then certain accessories such as shoes, purses, rings etc. to go. Since all the photos will be digital deciding whether or not to use RGB or CMYK will of course be a decision because my entire brand is based online. Future planning of the brand will be fun.