Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 2_ WWW

For my IST 195 class we were challenged with the idea of starting an entrepreneurial idea. At first this caught me at a complete standstill. I'm definitely not the most business savvy and an idea seemed as if it would never come. I began to think of all the things I wished was available that weren't. Of course I thought of devices such as a beeper when meter maids were near so you'd never get a ticket; radar when an attractive individual came in close proximities; a i-pod sensor that would make my i-pod turn off once I fell asleep. Then it came to me, what did I love almost as much as I loved food. (If you knew me you'd know I can eat ALL day) The answer was fashion.
Have you ever went into a store and found the perfect pair of jeans or a fabulous dress but couldn't find anything to go with it? I know the feeling. The pain of having the idea in your mind, but not being able to finish the outfit could be stressful, which brings me to the idea of an app that allows you to take picture of a pair of shoes, dress etc. and it would suggest items that would go perfectly with it. The app would be available for all smart phones such as the Blackberry, iPhone or Android.
This idea went perfectly with the lesson of the week, which was the evolution of the WWW. My idea goes perfectly with the advancement of the internet because it uses it directly. Social media is a way that everyone connects and communicates in the age of the smart phone. My app would be directly intertwined with all of that. Also I would use twitter to promote my new product by creating new trending topics all my followers could see.
Hopefully as the weeks go on my idea will advance further. Look out CUSE a new fashion app is on its way.


  1. Honestly, if this app came out it would be sooo helpful! I always have problems finding another piece of clothing to go with something else that I buy. I think it would be very popular and has the potential to become very big. This app definitely connects to the internet and could even help brands bring in people into their stores! This app would be perfect for everyone.

  2. This app would be great because there is many times where I need help with buying an outfit and I have to call my sister up and ask for advance. To save my sister the trouble, they should defintely come out with this app.! I am a fan <3

  3. I will definitely love this apps if it comes out. I always have this problem as well, with this app, I guess I won't have a headache when I am out to shopping! :D

  4. I would 100% download this app. It would help out so much. Good idea!

  5. I think this is a great idea! It would significantly reduce the amount of time women spend in the malls, and even better, it would reduce the amount of time their significant others have to spend in the mall with them.

  6. This app sounds amazing. It would help in deciding if I should actually buy the article of clothing. If I can't find appropriate complements what's the use of clutter up my closet and wasting money.

  7. I'm not very interested in fashion and I particularly despise clothing shopping, but I think your idea is a really good one. I'm not the target market/demographic, but I know a lot of girls who would like the help of something like that, and the technology of taking pictures and recognizing what is in the picture and interpreting that I know has recently been developed, and there exist apps that do similar functions for other things on iPhone, etc.

  8. This app would be amazing! It would definitely come in handy, especially when I have to find an outfit for a special occasion. I always take hours at the mall looking for an outfit- this app would save me so much time!
