Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 9_Finale

So I cannot believe its about to be April nor that this project went by so fast. Throughout the passing week my original idea has been slightly tweeked and reworked to become what I think could be a really great app. If this is your first time reading my blog then I'll re-describe my idea.

I created the idea for an app where if you went into certain boutiques in New York City, probably the East Village or Soho, and couldn't find a matching item to a piece you liked, the app would show you compliments based on other boutiques in the area. The barcode would contain an RFID to be able to track where it is and where the surrounding matches are. On the app the compliment would appear with the price showing as well. There will also be direction from one store to the next as well. Discussing my idea with other I thought about maybe expanding and adding how you'd look in the garment without trying it on but I'm not exactly sure if I like that idea becasue it could still look unappealling once you try it on forever.

Overall I learned from this project is that there are many elements to creating a new technological idea but its not impossible. With the world becoming more technology based each day its important to know the basic elememts of the things we are constantly using.

For my peer comments I commented on:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 8_ Review

As you all know technology is not my favorite thing to discuss so finding a blog about technology, I simply knew would be a disaster. I assumed it would be full of jargon I didn't understand and wouldn't come across as an "easy read". Astonishing to me though, I found a great blog with an even greater blogger. ( Much thanks to Wall Street Journal who had an article featuring its top 15 bloggers who write about technology)

The blog I read is called Kevin Kelly's live stream. One thing that caught my attention right away from this blog is the blogger himself, Kevin Kelly. Kevin Kelly is the co-founder and  previous editor of Wired magazine which I adore. Being a magazine journalism major is it good to be familiar with magazine outside your comfort range and Wired is a great technological based magazine which features amazing articles.

Kelly's blog features a mixture of personal experiences, recent technology and helpful advice. One posting I thought was very informative was a piece about Mars500. He discussed how six men are contained in a tubular building in Moscow for 250 days simulating the length of time it would take for a spacecraft to get to Mars. The men go through daily jobs they would do if they were truly flying to Mars and the European Space Agency can test and see if the length of time confined will have a psychological affect on the men. Here he showed videos the men posted on Youtube and some detailed information about the experiment. I enjoyed the post because I've never heard of anything like this happening and it was an interesting bit of information.

If you want to read more of his blog posts or visit his website cool tools it all accessible through this website: